Shadow’s Fund is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of seniors, pit bulls and other high risk dogs in shelters.
In this interview, Rita Tyler, of Shadow’s Fund, speaks with Our Ventura TV host, Bob Taylor about their group.
Shadow’s Fund was Co-Founded in 2009 by Cody Rackley and Jill Anderson as a tribute to their beloved senior dog Shadow, a 15 yr old dog that was found tied to a tree with a note that read “he’s too old”.
The fund was formed to help senior dogs in shelters find loving homes in which to spend the last chapter of their lives. In time, the mission broadened to address other “at risk” shelter dogs, including dogs who are labelled “pit bulls” or are passed over for adoption because of a treatable illness or injury.
Shadow’s Fund set its sights on creating a new paradigm for animal sheltering and established the Sheltering Oak Sanctuary to care for our canine friends.
Director: Petrina Sharp
Asst. Director: Bill O’Connor
Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Marketing and Fundraising for Nonprofits
Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful
Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising